Debi Stevens tests an apple from a particular tree’s batch to check the flavor.
Debi and friends go out and forage old apple trees to collect apples for pressing. As they are sorted, those that don’t make the cut are tossed into buckets.
Debi sorts through the apples as they travel up the pressing machine that Ken Lamsen is running.
The press machine mashes up the apples and deposits them onto cloth below.
Apple spray from the mashing of the apples.
Once multiple clothes are filled, Debi and Ken stack them together, and the machine presses the juice out of them.
Raw, unfiltered apple cider, bottled, stored and ready to sell.
Debi brings empty crates that once held apples back to her truck, ready to go out collecting again.
Debi Stevens tests an apple from a particular tree’s batch to check the flavor.
Debi and friends go out and forage old apple trees to collect apples for pressing. As they are sorted, those that don’t make the cut are tossed into buckets.
Debi sorts through the apples as they travel up the pressing machine that Ken Lamsen is running.
The press machine mashes up the apples and deposits them onto cloth below.
Apple spray from the mashing of the apples.
Once multiple clothes are filled, Debi and Ken stack them together, and the machine presses the juice out of them.
Raw, unfiltered apple cider, bottled, stored and ready to sell.
Debi brings empty crates that once held apples back to her truck, ready to go out collecting again.